epaselect epa07247963 A cars sits among debris after a tsunami hit the Sunda Strait, in Tanjung Lesung, Banten, Indonesia, 25 December 2018. According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), at least 373 people were killed and 1,459 others were injured after a tsunami hit the coastal regions of the Sunda Strait on 22 December. EPA/ADI WEDA
– E’ salito a 429 morti il drammatico bilancio dello tsunami che ha colpito tre giorni fa le isole indonesiane di Giava e Sumatra. I feriti sono oltre 1400. Lo rende noto il portavoce dell’Agenzia indonesiana per i disastri, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, aggiungendo che i dispersi restano al momento 128.